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Training that balances between ministry, a welcoming environment, security operations and liabilities that could cause problems. See the course outline below to see just how packed this course is with valuable information. Course takes approximately 8 hours to complete at your own pace. Print your certificate immediately once completed.

Our team wants to help you get better prepared for the issues related to securing your ministry and dealing with the difficulties and liabilities that go along with your volunteer position. We are focused on helping you through this powerful training program. Here are the things we will train together on:

  • PREPLANNING for emergencies and events makes us more successful when these things happen.

  • Creating a TEAM WORK APPROACH even if you are a one woman or one man team.

  • Getting prepared for one common incident THE SERVICE INTERRUPTION.

  • What is REALLY happening in Churches today and where should you FOCUS YOUR EFFORTS.

  • FINDING BALANCE: Prioritizing the Ministry and Respecting Church Leadership.

  • WORKING TOGETHER - Public Safety Agencies and Security.


We have included even more tools to help you in this powerful on-demand training

  • USE OF FORCE and the Responsibilities - Arresting, Detaining and Escorting People from the Church.

  • USE OF FORCE Scenario Training and Discussions.

  • Church Security Member Conduct - Church Rules, Integrity, Attitude and Performance.

  • PATROLLING, OBSERVATIONS and EVALUATIONS - Patrolling Introduction and Purposes.

  • Evaluating the Situation and the Surroundings of What You See - ODD, SUSPICIOUS and DANGEROUS.

  • NOTE TAKING AND REPORT WRITING - Public Document Rules, Note Taking and Report Writing Basics.

  • Professionalism and Communication - Understanding CULTURAL DIFFERENCES, PEOPLE WITH DIFFICULTIES.

  • Understanding People with MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES and Dealing with Difficult People.

  • Principles of Access and Information Control - ACCESS CONTROL, PARKING and TRAFFIC CONTROL.

  • Emergency Response Planning and Procedures.

  • The Role of Church Security in Critical Incidents - DISORDERLY CONDUCT, EMERGENCIES, DOMESTIC ISSUES and BOMB THREATS.

  • Watching Out for the CHILDREN’S MINISTRY.


  • Warning Signs of Escalating Behavior, Violent Instruder and Active Shooter Preparation.

  • Calling for Help - Calling 911.

  • Church Crisis Management.

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Self Paced Training - When Your Schedule Allows - Up to 6 Months to Complete Training

Sharpen your church security skills, your ability to deal with difficult people and difficult situations, and be prepared for handling incidents.

  • Register during this open enrollment period then take up to 6 months to complete the training, at your convenients, when your schedule permits.

  • 17 information-rich, on-demand video training chapters with Captain Joe Puckett, a church safety and security leader and advisor.

  • PLUS, several video exercises to help you reinforce the topics and discussions throughout the training sessions.

  • Results guaranteed!

We use the awesome course platform, Thinkific. You can view the videos online as your schedule permits.

You can download and print a handout for the entire course if you choose and you can view our training videos on most smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops, wherever you choose.

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This UNARMED CHURCH SECURITY training program is packed full of the latest and best information I have to offer for your success today. I want you to be absolutely thrilled with the strategies you’ll discover in this course. But you be the judge…….

It might feel like a risk to you, your team leader or ministry to invest in this course. However, I know what I teach works and I’m willing to assume ALL the risk. You either get solid, measurable results during our time together, you’re blown away with the value, and you’re completely 100% satisfied… or I give you back your money.

You can sign up today and attend the entire course totally RISK-FREE. If, after completing all sessions and applying the teachings from each lesson, you don’t feel fully satisfied, or you didn’t get massive value and see real results (improved communication with difficult people, an increase in your knowledge base about church security, tactics to try, improved confidence), simply contact my team and we’ll happily refund 100% of your money in FULL. You have my promise.  

Sound fair? Come on board – let’s do this! - Captain Joe Puckett

What others have said in their Church Security course reviews:

5/5 Stars - "Security Volunteer" - "Very well presented and informative" - Russell W.

5/5 Stars - "Very Comprehensive. Good use of examples and slides" - Jeff W.

5/5 Stars - "Great Course - Covered Everything" - Jeff G.

5/5 Stars - "Excellent Course - Fast moving and accurate, up to date material" - Roberty M.

5/5 Stars - “Worth Adding to My Credentials - Having a Record of Professional Training will Help Us Establish Standards” - Lonnie K.

Meet Your Senior Trainer, Church Security Director, Member and Advisor, Joe Puckett

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Captain Joe Puckett (former law enforcement member) spent 21 years in law enforcement, dealing with difficult, dangerous and violent people with various challenges to resolving incidents professionally and with minimal risk in mind. He worked as an administrator, crisis negotiator and event safety coordinator.

Joe Puckett has also served as a church security team member, Director of Church Security programs, an auditor of church security programs and has served nationally for over 10 years as instructor of ministry safety, security and liability issues. He has developed church security materials and information that was not regularly taught in our training ciriculumn.

Mr. Puckett seeks to share his experiences, insights and knowledge to help you be efficient, safer, more professional and more prepared for our dealings with church security issues and the important need for balance between the family environment and the preparation for difficult incidents.

Since 2013, Joe Puckett has also hosted the Church Security Answer Man podcast and video blog which is hosted across 9 major platforms and listened to by thousands of Church Security members, ministry leaders and information seekers around the world.

He receives high ratings on his instruction (see reviews above) and has taught thousands of public safety and government staff as well, in investigative courses, safety and security topics, reading body language and other professional programs since 1991.

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  • Anyone who is volunteering officially or unofficially in protecting their church, ministry or people in houses of worship.

  • Security Leaders, Security Team Members or Safety Team Members.

  • Those carrying concealed weapons at church.

  • Executive Leaders, Pastors, Priests, Ministers, Lay Leaders, Elders, Deacons or Other Church Administrators.

  • Anyone Armed or Considering Being Armed at Church Including; Maintenance, Special Event Staff, Facility Directors.

  • Any Greeters, Ushers, Gatekeepers, Church Office Personnel, Receptionists, Children’s Ministry Volunteers Who Are Armed or Considering It.

  • Anyone who believes they might be called upon to help protect their church or people at church if a crisis occurs.

  • Anyone who attends a church or ministry and wants to improve their mindset and skills for dealing with possible incidents at church.

This course is NOT just about carrying firearms at church, it is also about getting us prepared for emergencies, difficulties and incidents the could occur.

Upon starting the course you have the option of downloading a course handout to follow during the training.

Upon completion of the course, you can print a certificate as proof of your training.

This training does not replace any state mandated training or requirements.

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